Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ballots have been mailed

If you've moved recently and changed mailing addresses, the post office cannot forward ballots, so you may not have gotten one. If you haven't gotten a ballot in the mail by now, and you were expecting one, you need to call the Clerk and Recorders office to get a new ballot. 970-328-8710

Ballots are due back no later than 7 p.m. Nov. 1.
• People can either mail back ballots or hand-deliver them to Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's offices in Eagle, Avon and El Jebel.
• People can cast votes in person at any clerk's office.
• The town of Vail is holding a separate municipal election Nov. 8.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Support Education, Vote YES!

You will see two initiatives on your mail-in ballot this week that relate to education. I urge you to vote YES and make sure others vote YES too. We are suffering from a lack of revenue in our state in general which has led to severely underfunding our schools. Strong communities do not exist without excellent schools. Schools cannot be excellent if they are not supported by their community. Therefore, it is imperative that we, the voters, pass these ballot issues so the schools in our community and state can remain strong. Please take time to look at both of these links for more information on both ballot issues so you can help convince your family and friends to vote yes on both of them.