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The Colorado State Budget for 2011- 12,
Be Ready:
As you have heard Gov Hickenlopper will roll out his proposed 2011 – 12 budget tomorrow, Tuesday, February 15. We know the CO State budget is $1B short. Yes, that is One Billion! This year the K – 12 cut could be $300 - $400 million. Last year was terrible. This year is worse.
-We are a part of the worst recession in 60 years.
-The state of CO is still losing tax revenue.
-Income taxes, sales taxes and property taxes are all down.
-Tax collections lag a year behind.
-The state does not have enough money to fund current programs.
-A state wide tax increase to raise state revenue must be approved by a state wide vote of the people.
-There are no Federal Stimulus dollars coming to CO from Washington, DC.
As the Legislature moves into discussions on the 2011- 12 budget and the $1B shortfall, lawmakers will be discussing cuts to K -12, higher education, and other state funded programs. The state budget could reflect a cut in K – 12 state spending of 10 -14%.
How do we get out of this state financial problem?
We can wait until the economy improves, which may be a very long term solution. We can push to raise local revenue by conducting local mill elections. This requires the voters in your district to approve a mill that raises local property taxes. We can work to develop a wide coalition and put a tax increase on the CO ballot state wide. This would be Referendum C style coalition.
Polling shows us that voters are just now beginning to understand the state of CO cannot simply cut their way out of this economic crisis. Voters in recent polls have asked for a balanced approach—cut state and local programs and figure out a way to raise revenue.
Stay tuned. Help us teach voters how drastically cutting K – 12 funding is not the best solution for Colorado.
Your help will be needed to bring this funding dilemma to your community.
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